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    Enhanced Step Location in the Magnitude and Phase of an AC Signal via Polynomial Approximation Total Variation (PATV) Filtering

    (IEEE, 2023-11-01) Martins, Marcelo Britto; Esquef, Paulo Antonio Andrade; Vasconcellos, Renata T. de Barros e; COMAC; 2023 IEEE 13th International Workshop on Applied Measurements for Power Systems (AMPS)

    In PMU calibration, response time and delay time are measured by feeding to the PMU an AC signal with a step change in magnitude or phase. Estimating accurately the reference step location is an important task in this process. In a paper presented at the 2019 IEEE AMPS, we proposed a Hybrid Step Location Estimator (HSLE), which is based on the Hilbert's transform (HT) analysis of the AC signal to obtain the related instantaneous magnitude and phase, upon which the estimation is carried out. We found that the performance of the HSLE decreased with the SNR dB of the AC signal. To render the HSLE more robust to noise, in this paper, we propose using the so called Polynomial Approximation Total Variation (PATV) decomposition to extract a noiseless step component from the instantaneous functions. The modified estimator (HSLE_PATV) is evaluated against the HSLE. Experimental results show that, for SNR dB > 55 dB, the HSLE_PATV and the HSLE perform similarly. For SNR dB E {30,40} dB, the HSLE_PATV outperforms the HSLE, providing more accurate step location estimates, with higher confidence levels, but at a higher computational cost.

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    Audio De-thumping Using Huang's Empirical Mode Decomposition

    (2011-09-19) Esquef, Paulo A. A.; Welter, Guilherme S.; COMAC; 14th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects DAFx-11; CNPq

    In the context of audio restoration, sound transfer of broken disks usually produces audio signals corrupted with long pulses of low-frequency content, also called thumps. This paper presents a method for audio de-thumping based on Huang’s Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD), provided the pulse locations are known beforehand. Thus, the EMD is used as a means to obtain pulse estimates to be subtracted from the degraded signals. Despite its simplicity, the method is demonstrated to tackle well the challenging problem of superimposed pulses. Performance assessment against selected competing solutions reveals that the proposed solution tends to produce superior de-thumping results.